www.danielgainescreative.com ..............................................................................................................................all images © daniel gaines PHOTOGRAPHY 2011


Welcome to 52Photos, a year in images 2011. 52Photos started in January of 2010 as an effort to capture 2010, one week at a time, through the eye of a camera lens. I've enjoyed the process immensely, and have been thankful for all the amazing feedback I've gotten as a response to my images, stories, and thoughts throughout the year. I'll be continuing with the blog through 2011 with a slightly new look, but still providing 52 images and some thoughts to go along with them. Technical to abstract, social commentary and just plain fun, you'll find a mix of topics, variety of images, and hopefully, something you will enjoy following along. I've had a number of people ask "where can I buy a print??". The answer is an easy one... select images are available by clicking here. Of course you can just send me a message too, I'd love to hear from ya!

-daniel gaines

Monday, July 12, 2010


Week 27

July 9, 2010

Small children are funny. Especially in those pre-2yr old months. They are capable of unbridled joy and laughter one moment and loud, wailing despair the next, infused with insatiable curiosity and possessing of an inherent trust in other people. These little ones are a fascinating look at us as people and at the basic building blocks of our personalities. They seem to display the roots of that which will become much broader and more complex, but growing from the same elements of our spirit and pysche that are with us throughout our lives.

On a shooting trip in North Carolina, I've had the opportunity to shoot with a couple pre-two's this last week, with the above image the result of one of those shoots. A very curious and very active little girl, Sara Kate was hard to keep up with, not wanting to sit still even for a few seconds, and clearly not interested in me or my camera. She was way to busy using the new found freedom of walking legs to run about, checking out every nook and crany of the country club where were were shooting. Stopping for half a second in front of this beautiful floor-to-ceiling window, I captured the above image before she took off running again to the next corner of the room to discover.

I don't have any children, so this is of course is an outside-looking-in perspective, but I look at these kiddos and so many others like them and can't help but wonder at the simple, elemental and beautiful personalities they display. Sensitive and responsive roots of personalities that will grow when watered and fed, for right or wrong. I wonder what roots I will water for my child should I have them? What roots will you water?

My hope for you and I both is that we will encourage joy and put fear in proper perspective. That we will feed the curious mind with new experiences as often as we can. That we will protect when necessary but help the child understand not everything that doesn't feel good is bad. Above everything my hope is that we will teach them that an ounce of love will beat out a gallon of anger, fear and hatred any day.

image above taken with Canon 5D Mark II, 24-105L lens, 1/125 @ f4.0, 400 ISO

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