Week 31
August 7, 2010
So last week I was feeling a little under the weather. But I was also a little stir crazy and needing to get out, so I decided to go walk the trails I usually run behind my home in San Jose, and bring the camera along to see what I could capture. Above is one of those images, and I enjoyed the sunset lighting and contrast of crooked metal fence-posts and meandering barbed-wire against the long, dried grasses on the hillside. Even the powerlines running behind the scene I think adds commentary to the image.
As I scanned through the photographs from the shoot, this image brought to mind the idea of fences that we put up in our lives. Now fences can be a good thing. They can keep out predators, make property lines clear for a mutual understanding between neighbors, or provide an area of safety for pets and children. However, I believe when fences are put up in our hearts and minds, and consequently in our lives and societies, the benefit of those fences can start to decay, and sometimes even disappear.
Some examples of this idea that come to mind are represented below. I think the initial thoughts behind the fences can be justified, well intentioned, and even good. I also think they can deteriorate quickly and transform unnoticed into harmful things that actually work against their original purpose.
A fence of patriotism can become nationalism, fear, judgement & hatred toward other cultures.
A fence of protection of our children can become sheltering, deprivation of experience, ill-equipping and mis-informing.
A fence of morality can generate fear, judgement, gross misunderstanding and division amongst and towards those we are put here to love.
What fences do you have in your life? Are they in good repair? Are they support systems for a way to love other people or tools for sychophantic behavior?
We all have fences, and I think positive things like personal barriers and accountability, protection for our children or appreciation of culture can be benefited by these fences. I'd encourage you to think about the fences in your life and ask... "Do they serve their purpose, or have they been put up too hastily? Do they need to be re-planted or re-purposed?"
image taken with Canon 5D MII, 24-105 4L lens, 1/125 @ f11, ISO 400
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