www.danielgainescreative.com ..............................................................................................................................all images © daniel gaines PHOTOGRAPHY 2011


Welcome to 52Photos, a year in images 2011. 52Photos started in January of 2010 as an effort to capture 2010, one week at a time, through the eye of a camera lens. I've enjoyed the process immensely, and have been thankful for all the amazing feedback I've gotten as a response to my images, stories, and thoughts throughout the year. I'll be continuing with the blog through 2011 with a slightly new look, but still providing 52 images and some thoughts to go along with them. Technical to abstract, social commentary and just plain fun, you'll find a mix of topics, variety of images, and hopefully, something you will enjoy following along. I've had a number of people ask "where can I buy a print??". The answer is an easy one... select images are available by clicking here. Of course you can just send me a message too, I'd love to hear from ya!

-daniel gaines

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Elvis Sighting...

Week 36

Elvis Sighting...
September 12, 2010

At the end of last week I started a business trip to Phoenix by flying into Vegas, renting a car and making a road trip out of the deal. Now having been to Vegas a dozen or so times, I don't know that I've ever seen the king. I know, I know... how can that be? I don't know, but this trip I had two Elvis sightings - one at the $7 steak place (I had to try it... was actually pretty good!), and the other was here at the welcome sign. He looks pretty good for being dead. 

I always found it interesting how people could persist in a belief (such as Elvis being alive) that although possible, is incredibly improbable. Maybe it's a fascination with mystery. Maybe it's exciting to think of the surprise and revelation that he is alive after all these years. I realize that for many, this is just an extended fantasy of sorts, one born out of a sincere appreciation for Mr. Presley's music and cultural contribution. For most, though, I think it's something different.

I can't help but think that all of us have a little of this need to believe in us. As if we're born with it, this longing, this seeking, this fascination with mystery. Almost like we're pointed toward believing in that which is unexplainable, and the manifestation of this is what we sometimes see in the tabloids - UFO's, superstitions, the paranormal... Elvis alive.

I have my own ideas on what this is all about, maybe you do too, but one thing I think we can all agree on. Elvis is alive and has been in Vegas this whole time! I have the pictures to prove it! 

image taken with Canon 5D MII, 24-70 2.8L lens, 1/400 @ f11, ISO 400

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