Week 46
November 20, 2010
Last week we received some much needed rain here in the Bay Area. Looking out my kitchen window, I noticed the water falling off of the orange tree in the backyard, and decided to make a few images during the momentary reprieve between showers. As I was shooting I began to think about the amazing natural processes going on with this orange tree. How the seeds grow into a tree, and through nutrients in the soil and water from the rains the tree blossoms and grows fruit that we in turn can use to nourish ourselves. I thought about the many things we are provided in this world for sustenance and nourishment - physiologically, pyschologically as well as spiritually, and felt very thankful.
In that vein, I wanted to take the opportunity to express some thanks to people in my life that have helped, in little and big ways, allow me to start this journey of making a living as a photographer. Some have no idea they've made an impact on me, others know very well what they've meant. This is a small attempt at acknowledging my appreciation.
In that vein, I wanted to take the opportunity to express some thanks to people in my life that have helped, in little and big ways, allow me to start this journey of making a living as a photographer. Some have no idea they've made an impact on me, others know very well what they've meant. This is a small attempt at acknowledging my appreciation.
First, and most of all, my God: For His patience, His grace and His abundant blessings, some of which are the people listed below.
My Family: Mom, Dad, Malcolm & Seth... as well as my extended family for your belief in what I'm doing, your myriad of support and encouragement, and for not telling me I'm crazy for dropping everything to pursue this dream :).
The rest of you below are in no particular order, but have blessed me in one way or another throughout this process.
Neil & Alison Goradia: my dear friends, for being my home in DC. Also for letting me point my camera at you and your family so often. And for feeding and sheltering me out there. And... well, you get the point ;).
Chris Scharmen - for your giving heart and generous spirit that has allowed me to continue shooting. And for putting up with my mess without kicking me out. Yet.
Brian Tramontania - it was your Photo 001 class at WVC that confirmed for me I wanted to pursue photography as a career. Still trying to get that darkroom setup :).
Lindsey Freitas - for your willingness to take a chance on letting me shoot with you and literally jump-starting the wedding component of my business. Still learning from you.
Daniel Garcia - also for your willingness to take a chance on me by letting me shoot for Content Magazine. My first published work!
Mike Larson - for changing the way I look at my business through your workshop, and reminding me that serving is the whole point.
Liz Walker - for being my very first customer :). And for trying to find ways to promote my business, simply from the kindness of your heart.
Kathryn MacMillan - for your incredible support in a very critical time as I was trying to figure out what the heck I was doing.
Chaz Meyers - for your generosity in lending me equipment. Still using that backdrop kit!
Trina Merry - for sharing your studio and gallery space when you had nothing to gain from it, and for helping me to push the boundaries.
Luke Eastman - for the gear loan, and taking time to talk shop when I had no idea what I was doing. And for not killing me when I dropped your lens in a waterfall in Puerto Rico.
Kevin Boisjolie, Chip Pitts, and Maggie Ragon - for being teachers and mentors to me in the business world years ago. I'd not be able to pull this thing together without that knowledge and experience.
All of my Clients - for your business... I literally could not do this without you!
There are many more that I could list, but I will stop and say a comprehensive and overwhelming "Thank you" for all of those that have encouraged and supported me over the last year and 1/2 or so.
I've got a long way to go... I really feel as if I am just beginning this journey. I have a great deal to learn, a lot of hard work, and a boatload of undeserved blessings ahead in order to make this a sustainable reality, but I'm looking forward to the trip :).
image above taken with Canon 5D MII, 24-105 4L lens, 1/60 sec @ f4, ISO 400
Mike Larson - for changing the way I look at my business through your workshop, and reminding me that serving is the whole point.
Liz Walker - for being my very first customer :). And for trying to find ways to promote my business, simply from the kindness of your heart.
Kathryn MacMillan - for your incredible support in a very critical time as I was trying to figure out what the heck I was doing.
Chaz Meyers - for your generosity in lending me equipment. Still using that backdrop kit!
Luke Eastman - for the gear loan, and taking time to talk shop when I had no idea what I was doing. And for not killing me when I dropped your lens in a waterfall in Puerto Rico.
Kevin Boisjolie, Chip Pitts, and Maggie Ragon - for being teachers and mentors to me in the business world years ago. I'd not be able to pull this thing together without that knowledge and experience.
All of my Clients - for your business... I literally could not do this without you!
There are many more that I could list, but I will stop and say a comprehensive and overwhelming "Thank you" for all of those that have encouraged and supported me over the last year and 1/2 or so.
I've got a long way to go... I really feel as if I am just beginning this journey. I have a great deal to learn, a lot of hard work, and a boatload of undeserved blessings ahead in order to make this a sustainable reality, but I'm looking forward to the trip :).
image above taken with Canon 5D MII, 24-105 4L lens, 1/60 sec @ f4, ISO 400
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