Week 52
December 30, 2010
There is certainly wisdom in heeding signs, though sometimes I believe we need to push on despite what others are telling us. Now it is not advised to ignore this particular sign, as there is a very tall cliff a very short distance behind it. It does, however bring up thoughts of risks and fear, and of fulfillment.
Someone I respect a great deal once told me one of few regrets he had as he looked back was the handful of decisions in his life that were made out of fear. That surprised me at the time because this is a man I always viewed as confident, steady, and a man that was and is greatly respected in his community. All these things are true, and this man has shown to me and many others a tremendous amount of courage and leadership. I believe, though, he was referring to some life choices that perhaps he would have made differently.
All of us can look back and wish we had made different decisions... I know I certainly can. All of us, with hindsight, can see a different path and imagine where it might have taken us. I believe this is a useless, and destructive way to live. I don't mean thoughtful reflection, mind you. That's how we recall what has shaped us, and serves as a reminder to why we make the decisions in front of us. Rather, it's that pining over what could have been and despairing where we are, wishing we had taken different paths that erodes peace and confidence and can rob joy from your life. My college fraternity had a saying we all had to learn as pledges:
Yesterday is gone forever. Tomorrow is yet to be. The destiny of [the fraternity] rests today with Thee.
I think there is wisdom in this idea far beyond a social fraternity's well being. It's the idea that yesterday's choices can't be changed. Tomorrow is impossible to project, and the only influence you have on that future is the decisions you make today, right now.
I think this is where fear comes in. Fear has it's place, and keeps us from reckless abandon, and a life full of poor decisions and hurt for ourselves and more importantly, other people. But often, we look for signs of danger in an almost obsessive desire to avoid pain or hardship, when sometimes it's the thoughtful and deliberate pushing past these signs that results in peace and growth and fulfillment. Who is it you want to be, follow, or represent in this life? What are your dreams and the gifts you have to offer?
May 2011 be one of joy, and of peace, and of courageous decisions to shape your life and bless those around you. Happy New Year everyone!
image taken with Canon 5DMII, 50mm 1.8 lens, 1/5000 sec @ f1.8, ISO 400