www.danielgainescreative.com ..............................................................................................................................all images © daniel gaines PHOTOGRAPHY 2011


Welcome to 52Photos, a year in images 2011. 52Photos started in January of 2010 as an effort to capture 2010, one week at a time, through the eye of a camera lens. I've enjoyed the process immensely, and have been thankful for all the amazing feedback I've gotten as a response to my images, stories, and thoughts throughout the year. I'll be continuing with the blog through 2011 with a slightly new look, but still providing 52 images and some thoughts to go along with them. Technical to abstract, social commentary and just plain fun, you'll find a mix of topics, variety of images, and hopefully, something you will enjoy following along. I've had a number of people ask "where can I buy a print??". The answer is an easy one... select images are available by clicking here. Of course you can just send me a message too, I'd love to hear from ya!

-daniel gaines

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Rose

Week 16!

April 25th, 2010

I got to thinking that it would be nice to have some macro images in along with the others of 52Photos, and thought I'd start out with what has to be the most common macro image... the flower. As I started taking shots, I began to think about how interesting a rose is... beautiful parts, complex and intricate parts, painful and defensive parts, then how it has hidden parts you don't see unless you look closely. It then occurred to me how not unlike a person a rose is.

Now don't get me wrong, clearly I'm not the first person to draw comparisons between a flower, a rose in particular, and a person. It did occur to me now why it's not such an original train of thought. Like flowers, we people are capable of bringing joy and inspiring an appreciation of beauty. We have defenses, that without caution can injure a person, even if they are trying just to get close to us. And like the rose, there are interesting, unique, and complex parts of us that you can only see if you look carefully, spending some time to appreciate them.

I won't take the time to draw more of a comparison, I think a sketch will do... but I do think I'll be spending a little more time with the macro-lens. What an amazing world out there; gigantic and grandeur, yes. But also tiny and complex, and so incredibly, inexorably, intricately tied together.

Spring is here, go out and enjoy it!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Appalachian Spa

Week 15

Appalachian Spa
April 15, 2010

I can see the advertising copy now..."Vintage outdoor spa-bath among the green foliage and quaint 19th-century architecture....".

Ok, ok...so it's not supposed to be a spa:). This image was actually taken on my overnight trip last week to the Blue Ridge Mountains. My family has a cabin in Amherst County situated in the Appalachians less than an hour's drive from Lynchburg, VA. This picture was taken on the property of our neighbor up there who was kind enough to let me prowl around his family farm in search of interesting things to photograph. Well, I wasn't disappointed. The property is on a beautiful piece of land with rolling hills, forest-land and pasture, as well as an old farmhouse and outbuildings for what was at one-time a fully operational and working farm.

Not in use aside from some grazing rights for cattle-farmers nearby, the property is populated with over-grown buildings, old and new farm equipment, and parked trucks and cars that our neighbor uses for parts and scrap, occasionally resurrecting one for use on the road. After scouting it out the day before, my father and I rose early in the morning to get to the farm and witness the morning fog and amazing light that awaited us when we arrived. I was able to capture a number of great images that morning, any one of them would have been a worthy installment to 52Photos, but I liked the disposition of the old tub in the overgrown grass and weeds, and overall uniqueness of the image. It seems to tell a story and begs you to guess at what that story is.

Taken with a wide-open aperture (2.8), and a fast shutter (1/500), some other things I like about the piece are the shallow depth of field on the front side of the tub, the fog-masked farm-building it the background, and the foliage we are peeking through in the foreground.

Enjoy the image, and until next week....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

DC Moments

Week 14

DC Moments at the Vietnam War Memorial
April 9, 2010

If you've ever been to Washington, DC you may know what I'm talking about. If you haven't been the the nation's capital, you'll just have to trust me on this one. As one walks around DC, there are countless opportunities to have a "DC Moment". Now you might say... "Duh. You're in DC.". Well, what I mean is, as you walk around the district, you often find that you stumble on a monument, a historic building, something in the city that stops you in your tracks and makes you think. Think of the history tied to what you are observing. Think of the impact the moment or person memorialized made on our country. Think of the decisions being made right now that will affect us and our world.

As I walked down the memorial, I couldn't help but wonder if these kids were having their own DC Moment? No doubt aware at some level of the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, did seeing these 58,000 + names stretching hundreds of feet along the memorial startle them? Did it make it more real knowing each one of these names was a father or mother, a son or daughter, a brother or sister? Perhaps their own family member was on this wall, or is part of the conflicts today. Is there a connection for them between the freedom they enjoy and the lives represented on that wall?

DC is a great place for learning history and reflecting on the world around us. It's also a beautiful place to witness cherry blossoms in Spring bloom, the Potomac river making its way into the Chesapeake Bay, and to enjoy the many parks and green spaces throughout the city. No matter what your DC Moment may be, I hope you get a chance to make your way there and experience the district for yourself.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Getting Taken Care Of...

Week 13

Getting Taken Care Of
April 1, 2010

I had the pleasure of connecting with Christina Christner through a mutual friend who thought our respective businesses might benefit from our getting a chance to meet and network. Christina is the owner-proprietor of Christina Christner Nail Care & Spa, were she provides a wide range of services, therapeutic to luxurious for her loyal and well taken care of clients. From massage to make-up, and facials to waxing and more, Christina does it all. She loves the work she does, and it shows through her business and how she treats her clients.

I came in to shoot her business, and see if we could get some solid images for her to use in her next collateral and web updates. I have to say, this was one of the best shoots I've had in some time. The weather cooperated and gave us tremendous light, the Victorian home that houses the Spa has big, open windows and high ceilings, and Christina's decor is simple, elegant, and easy to photograph.

The photo above, taken with a Canon 16-35mm 2.8L series wide-angle lens portrays Christina applying her artistry to one of the two models she brought in for the shoot. I love the angle, the lighting, and motion in the image, and so for this, I selected it among many fantastic shots from the day for this week's 52Photos installment.

Here's to doing what you love.