www.danielgainescreative.com ..............................................................................................................................all images © daniel gaines PHOTOGRAPHY 2011


Welcome to 52Photos, a year in images 2011. 52Photos started in January of 2010 as an effort to capture 2010, one week at a time, through the eye of a camera lens. I've enjoyed the process immensely, and have been thankful for all the amazing feedback I've gotten as a response to my images, stories, and thoughts throughout the year. I'll be continuing with the blog through 2011 with a slightly new look, but still providing 52 images and some thoughts to go along with them. Technical to abstract, social commentary and just plain fun, you'll find a mix of topics, variety of images, and hopefully, something you will enjoy following along. I've had a number of people ask "where can I buy a print??". The answer is an easy one... select images are available by clicking here. Of course you can just send me a message too, I'd love to hear from ya!

-daniel gaines

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Week 11

March 14, 2011

One of my favorite things about getting out and cruising about the creation around me is the unexpected little surprises I run into. On a recent trip to L.A., I was hiking with a friend in the Hollywood Hills, and after listening to the clamoring of coyote from a distance and being chased away by a police helicopter from the Hollywood sign (a story for another day), we turned the corner and this is what greeted us.

Now the surprise wasn't that the sun was setting. That happens every day. Pretty predictable. The surprise was that this particular sunset was wrapped up with some amazing color, a nice little silhouetted tree we'd visited just an hour or so earlier, and all in a place that honestly, I'd not expected much from. After all, I live in the Bay Area, a quasi-mecca for hiking and while I relished the opportunity to hit some trails, I didn't expect this. I suppose I sold the City of Angels short....

Image taken with Canon 5DMII, 24-104 4L lens, 1/1250 sec. @f4.0, ISO 400

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Week 10

March 12, 2011

Sometimes doors are opened to us when we least expect them, and the trick is deciding whether or not to walk through. This door, located at Mission San Jose, was not open. It was locked. And we would have likely been arrested had we gone through. But this isn't the door I'm talking about....

The type of doors I'm talking about lead to changes in a job, a relationship, or some other significant life event or path. The opportunity, for better or for worse can beckon from the portal, but in the end, we make the decision based on where we feel we are in life at the time, and where we want to be.

Dreams, desires, and even loyalties can impact which doors we choose, and aren't in and of themselves negative things. What we have to be careful of, is that in the end, we are honest with ourselves about what these doors really lead to, and whether or not they align with the priorities in our lives. I suppose that's the tough part.

image taken with Canon 5DMII, 24-70 2.8L lense, 1/400sec @f2.8, ISO 400

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blue Jay

Week 9

Blue Jay
February 27, 2011

On a shoot at the beginning of last week, we were finishing up and heading back to the car when this image presented itself. It's a lone Blue Jay atop the yet-to bloom branches of a tree overlooking our shooting area. One of my subjects commented "it's like my Dad is looking out for us".  I presume his father has passed on, and seeing that we were shooting an engagement session, his comment was to imply that "Dad" was looking over the upcoming wedding in approval. How awesome is that?

Conversation on what happens to our loved ones after they leave us can and certainly would go in many different directions should that be the purpose of this post, which it's not. The imagery is powerful, however, whatever direction you take it, and while the details can be debated on the "if"s, "how"s and "why"s, I think it's undeniable that those we cherish do indeed live on, within us and in our memories. Whether you believe that is the only place they exist, or that they themselves can and do look out for you, or perhaps if you believe they are with One who does, it's comforting, reassuring, and somewhat humbling to consider.

Image taken with Canon 5DMII, 100 2.8L Macro lens, 1/100th sec @f 3.2, ISO 400

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Week 8

February 24, 2011
    One day last week (well, the week before last now), I came across this barbed-wire enclosed field of horses grazing lazily as the sun began to set behind them. I liked the way the ranch-owner (presumably) had inserted some horseshoes into the the twisted barbed wire, almost as a decoration. Now I have no idea if this is common, or if this is in some what traditional, or actually has some usefulness, but the image intrigued me, and got me thinking about luck. (Horseshoe - Luck... come on, it's not that far of a leap.)

Then I thought, "why do we say 'good luck?'" Maybe it's easier than saying "may the events and forces of the universe coincide with what you want to happen." I can see that being cumbersome to say every time you wish someone well. It's also less stiff than "may you perform at your best to ensure victory", and less gloomy than "despite that fact that odds are pretty slim, I hope you succeed anyway."  

What is luck, anyway? The idea that things will occur that aren't lined up to occur is somewhat... well, foolish. Whether you believe in an intentional grand plan or some sort of chaos theory, things are going to happen the way they are tee-ed up to happen, right? Maybe, maybe not. I suppose we won't solve that riddle this week. But isn't perceived fortune more about how we process events, rather than the shape of events themselves anyway?

Maybe luck is serendipity, maybe it's providence, but luck is really a subjective thing. Lucky to one is unlucky to another. It all depends on how you choose to view things, right? And how we view our experiences is a decision, not something that happens to us. So maybe the phrase "making your own luck" isn't so oxymoronic. After all, if you control how you perceive experiences, then every experience can be lucky in some way or another. Ok, that's a stretch. But we do have the opportunity to shift how we view and process events such that something positive is gleaned. It's a choice we make dozens if not hundreds of times every day. Try it sometime. Maybe for a whole day. Force yourself to think about the potential positives that have or could come out of what you're experiencing, and be thankful. Joyful even.

image taken with Canon 5KMII, 24-105 4L lens, 1/1600 sec @ f4, ISO 400

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Just Because

Week 7

Just Because
February 19, 2011

A couple of weeks ago, now, I was driving through my neighborhood, right past this flowering, (what I believe to be) cherry blossom tree. There are several right in a row along the drive just a few streets away from home, and I couldn't help myself but stop. With the car running and rain starting to sputter down, I took more than a few photographs, getting somewhat lost in different angles, and thanks to a macro lens I had on loan, some close up's of these striking blossoms. I'm fairly positive the few kids that had just pulled out of their driveway next to where I had my face literally stuck up in and amongst the branches of this tree thought I was some weird old dude, but I'm ok with that. I got some good shots, so it's worth a sideways glance or two.

Nothing more this week than an image I enjoy, and a few words on how I came to create it. Hope you enjoy!

Image taken with Canonn 5DMII, 100 2.8L Macro lens, 1/800 sec @f4, ISO 2000