Week 23

The In-Between
June 7, 2010
To me, some of the best shots come from the times in-between what you are supposed to be shooting. Take the image above, for example. I think it captures my friend Joshua's personality, and says something different than the headshots we took that he will use to place on publications, executive profiles, and dossiers for his professional life. Nothing wrong with the headshots, mind you - they came out great, and will serve him well. That's not the point. I just find myself looking for opportunities during my sessions to get those unscripted moments, the ones that let you peek into the person a little deeper. Like the image above that tells you Joshua has joy in his life and loves to laugh, those candid shots are the ones you hang onto even if they weren't what you were there to shoot.
image taken with Canon 5D Mark II, 24-105 4L lens, 1/400 @ f4.0, ISO 400
June 7, 2010
To me, some of the best shots come from the times in-between what you are supposed to be shooting. Take the image above, for example. I think it captures my friend Joshua's personality, and says something different than the headshots we took that he will use to place on publications, executive profiles, and dossiers for his professional life. Nothing wrong with the headshots, mind you - they came out great, and will serve him well. That's not the point. I just find myself looking for opportunities during my sessions to get those unscripted moments, the ones that let you peek into the person a little deeper. Like the image above that tells you Joshua has joy in his life and loves to laugh, those candid shots are the ones you hang onto even if they weren't what you were there to shoot.
image taken with Canon 5D Mark II, 24-105 4L lens, 1/400 @ f4.0, ISO 400
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